When To Pack – Packing Part 3

I pack certain things in a certain way, but when do I pack all of this??? In the final part of my packing series, I’m going to look at how I slowly collect things then pack them all at once!

About one week before I leave on any trip, I look at which clothes and items I want to take on my trip. This is so I can make a list to ensure that the clothes I want to take are clean and that the things I want to take are ready to go. In the case that anything doesn’t seem ready to pack…

few days before I leave I wash the clothes I want to take and make sure the things I want and need to take are ready to go. For example, I make sure I have enough toothpaste and soap for the length of the trip. If I do, great! If not, I run to the store to get what I need and everything is still great!

It isn’t until the day before  I leave that I actually start packing. Today I’m very fortunate because I do not need to go to work or run errands, so I can spend the whole day taking my time to pack. This is especially easy since I have done the things above, having already decided and preparing what I want to pack far in advance. While I’m almost done packing the majority of things today, there are some things that’ll have to wait until tomorrow…

This is because the day of the trip is usually when I pack my toiletries. This is because I use my face wash and toothpaste when I get up in the morning. And since I don’t have to be at the airport until tomorrow evening, I want to take the chance to shower and get cleaned up before leaving on my adventure! So while I’ll have some last minute packing, it won’t be very much at all or very difficult if I make a list of all the toiletries I’m going to pack.

When do you pack for a trip? The night before you leave? An hour before you leave? How long does it take for you to unpack once you get home??? Join me and discuss the kind of packer and traveler you are!

Click here for Packing Part 2.

Click here for Packing Part 1.

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